Difference between a blog and a microblog

What is the difference between a blog and a microblog?

While both microblogs and blogs primarily exist to share information, they do so in different ways, which is why they work together really well.  For example, Facebook’s status updates and Twitter’s Tweets are considered “microblogs” or extremely concise bits of information.  Blogs, on the other hand, are great for sharing articles as it is expected that a blog will be packed with information.

How can they work together?

One great way to promote your blog is to microblog about it.  The first step is to shorten the link to your blog post with URL shortener.  Miss-ink.net is a link shortener that our company offers for free.  Sign up for a free account and you will be able to track how many times a link is clicked on and what was the source of the click (e.g., direct, Twitter, Facebook, etc.).   The next step is to post a microblog as a teaser to draw traffic to the full blog post. (residencyunlimited.org)   Some people get right to the point saying they posted a new blog and some people like to post something a little more creative to peak curiosity.  Here are some examples:

Remember, one of the main objectives of blogging is to increase traffic to your web site.

Have more questions about blogs and microblogs?  Email them to us at info@miss-ink.com or call us at (305) 537-6465.

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