Earlier this week I taught a
workshop on blogging for a group of local professionals. When I asked what the point of a blog is, most of the individuals responded with answers like, “promote my services,” “reach my contact sphere,” and “get higher search engine rankings.” While all of these are most certainly a benefit, this thinking is where most people fail in their marketing.
So, what is the point of a blog? The sole objective is to help your customers or potential customers, period. That’s it. No one cares if you know more about your industry than anyone else on the entire planet if they don’t see a benefit for themselves. Often times, people get lost in the details because they just don’t care. All they want to know what’s in it for them.
For example, let’s say you have a rattling noise in your car. The noise has been there for weeks and today the noise is so obnoxious that you would rather walk the 12 miles to work instead of drive there. Needless to say, you arrange for a long lunch and take it into service. Now imagine that the mechanic identifies the issue and comes out to explain it to you in detail. Meanwhile, your stomach is growling and all you want to know is, can it be fixed or not, in how much time and how much is it going to cost me? It’s the same for your customers. Leave the long, detailed conversations for your peers and get to the point!
How can professionals apply this to their business? Here are some tips to help you write better
marketing copy:
- Always remember to put yourself in the position of your audience. Be as objective as possible.
- Focus on the benefits. Example: Which is more appealing? Try this hamburger. OR. The foodie’s burger, keep your taste buds happy.
- It’s all about them, not you.
- Answer their questions
- Keep is simple and succinct.
- Make a list of your target audiences and then identify what their problems are and how you can solve them.