Best Ways to Organically Grow Your Followers on Social Media

Best Ways to Organically Grow Your Followers on Social Media
If you’re managing social media for a business, then you understand the importance of growing your reach and followers to highlight your business to as many people as you can. With billions of people using social media every month, you have the potential to reach endless new clients if you do it right. One of the struggles that many businesses have is increasing the number of followers on their social media platforms. If you feel like you struggle with this issue, here are a few tips on how you can organically grow your number of followers on social media. Create Unique Posts for Each Network   How many times have you created an Instagram post and then automatically shared it to Facebook or another social media platform? This may be your first mistake. Each social platform has completely different “rules of engagement,” including how you communicate. For example, hashtags may be super relevant on Instagram, but not as much on Facebook. Whereas on Facebook, it’s easier to share links to your blog or website than on Instagram. On Twitter, you are limited to the number of characters you can use to get your point across, and on LinkedIn, you are generally speaking to a more business-focused audience. With each network having its own “personality,” you need to tailor your posts according to the purpose and audience of the platform. In order to grow your followers on each network, you need to speak to that specific audience. Plus, what is the incentive to follow your business on all social platforms if all you are doing is reposting the same information? Make your posts unique to each audience so that new followers will have a reason to follow you across several platforms. Keep Your Call-to-Action Simple Who wants to have more things that they need to do? Not many people do. Therefore, when you are asking people to follow you on social media, make it short and sweet. Give potential new followers one call-to-action such as “Follow our Facebook page,” without the extra asks related to buying products, signing up for a newsletter, or sharing information. If your goal is to attract new followers, then simply ask but make it the only ask. Invite People to Like Your Page When someone likes one of your posts but is not a follower, Facebook gives you the option to invite that person to “like” your page. Use this feature every single time. This is not a desperate move but simply reaching out to someone who has already shown interest in your business by interacting with your post. The simple act of sending a request to like your page could turn into a full-blown engagement and potential new relationship. Additionally, ask friends and family to like your page. Use the “invite friends” feature on Facebook to invite contacts in your friends list. You lose nothing by asking, and some of these people may become your most engaged followers if they know you and your business. Increase Your Engagement Facebook only shows your posts to about six percent of your followers organically, but this number increases if there is significant engagement on the post. The best type of engagement comes in the form of comments or shares but likes work too. If you are struggling to get engagement on your own, ask for it! Go back to your most loyal supporters, such as your friends, family, and colleagues, and let them know the importance of sharing your posts. Don’t forget to share your own posts, too, which is a great way to promote your business on your personal page! Additionally, create posts that inspire engagement, such as asking questions, using the poll feature, or posting videos. Your followers will appreciate the variety of different posts and be encouraged to engage more. More engagement means that your posts will be shown to more people across the network, creating the opportunity for more followers to find you. Additionally, block fake followers to increase your overall engagement rate. Your total follower count doesn’t matter as much as the number of your followers who are actually engaged, especially if many of your followers are fake. If Facebook or Instagram is only showing your post to a small percentage of accounts, and most of those accounts are fake, you are missing out on real people seeing your content. You lose nothing by losing fake followers, so it may be a good idea to go through and block accounts that are fake so that your real followers have a better chance of seeing your posts. Are you still struggling with organically growing your followers on social media? Reach out to us at Miss Ink! Social media management is a lot of work. We have a team of experts that is dedicated to creating content and managing the social media accounts of our clients to help boost engagement, followers, and help bring awareness to your brand and company. We look forward to working with you!   References: Kerby, J. (2019, May 16). 5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Facebook Following. Retrieved from

Miss Ink Team
Miss Ink Team

Miss Ink's social media and content team share our top tips for digital marketing.

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