Starting a business can be a little overwhelming. There is so much to do! And even when you´ve been on the market for a while, there are still more things to be done. Marketing is an important area of any...
Hashtags are part of our daily digital life. Nowadays, we can use them in almost every social network. But do you know what a hashtag is? A hashtag is defined as a word or phrase preceded by the symbol #,...
We all know by now that social media presence is important for your business, whether you offer products or services. And we often talk about how visual content is key to building your online presence; what kind of images you...
When people talk about marketing efforts on social media networks, the last platform you think about is likely LinkedIn because we are so used to getting on Facebook, Instagram and engaging with our audience on Twitter or any other network....
What is an influencer? We are constantly influenced by others when making decisions; whether they are day-to-day things, or life-changing matters. Then, it´s no surprise that this can easily translate to our online life, where there are more than 4...
With one billion users, Instagram is one of the largest networks out there, which is partly why 25 million profiles are business profiles. Having a presence in this social network is appealing and important to many brands, but how can...
Most people can agree that visual content is the one that generates the most engagement, interest, and interaction, however, last year Alpha Exploration Co. launched an app that made people speculate about its success, because it eliminated all the visual...
Thanks to a new update by Instagram you’re finally able to thoroughly search for exact what you’re looking for. To many, this update isn’t super exciting, and it seems like an option we should have had from the start, but...
Within the last year, TikTok has grown tremendously with a variety of one-minute videos catering to every kind of audience and more than 1.5 billion downloads worldwide. Whether it is through educational videos, dance videos, make-up tutorials, or even marketing...
Now more than ever, social media is a noticeable part of our day – whether you choose to use it personally or professionally. The majority of 2020 was spent in our homes as we craved ways to connect with the...