Tips for Using Your Personal Facebook Page to Promote Your Business

Tips for Using Your Personal Facebook Page to Promote Your Business

Anyone who uses Facebook to promote a business knows the struggles of reaching the right people through this platform. It seems like no matter how great your posted content is, if it is posted on a business profile, it’s often hard to get any real exposure unless you pay to boost a post, or buy an ad for your business. On the other hand, more personal posts on your newsfeed seem to be reaching the masses! (Ambien) So how do you strike the balance between promoting your own business and endeavors on your personal page, while also not coming across too strong and causing others to “unfollow” your feed?

In an effort to provide a more user-friendly experience, Facebook is testing a division of its newsfeed where there are two separate feeds: one with posts from friends and family, and the other with posts from pages and businesses you follow. This may even make it harder for your audience to see your posts if people aren’t paying attention to the pages feed. Though this newsfeed is not being rolled out globally yet, it’s always a good time to think about how you can tactfully use your personal Facebook for professional promotion. There is a balance to achieve promotional success by using your personal Facebook profile, but there are some rules you will need to follow.

Here are four tips for using your personal Facebook to boost your business:

Update Your Contact Information to Reflect Your Business

Use the settings to update any contact information on your Facebook page to be related to your business. Your email, website, professional title, and work information should all be tied back to your business. That way, it’s easy for people to find the information and get ahold of you for professional purposes.

Allow Subscribers to See Your Public Posts

If you allow subscribers, your followers can go beyond your personal “friends” on your page. Subscribers can simply click a button to ensure that your public posts show up in their feeds as well. Make sure that when you post something related to your business or industry that you adjust the audience setting to be “public,” and these folks will be able to find your content easily.

Participate in Groups

The key to a lot of social media exposure is that you have to participate in social media interactions. This means, use different methods such as groups related to your industry or potential client base to provide valuable insights or advice when you can. Use this outlet as a way to become a resource and thought leader by providing information related to your business and expertise to people who are interested in the topic.

Always Keep it Professional

If you are using your personal Facebook profile to promote any business activities, you should always keep it very professional. An occasional tasteful personal photo is OK, but make sure that the majority of your posts are professional in nature. It’s harder for people to take you seriously as a business owner and professional if every other post is from a wild night out. Use your good judgment when representing your business on your personal page.

If you are struggling with promoting your business online and through social media, contact us at Miss Ink. We can help you create the right content through the best channels to promote your business.


Cohen, D. (2017, October 23). Publishers Are Really Not Going to Like Facebook. Retrieved October 27, 2017, from

Kissmetrics Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2017, from


Misty Buck
Misty Buck

Misty Buck founded Miss Ink, LLC, a boutique social media and content marketing firm, in January 2008 in order to help businesses take the stress out of digital marketing. Her passion is fusing creativity and strategy to tell each client’s unique story. She is regularly invited to speak on social media best practices and provides social media consulting for individuals and companies to help guide them through marketing deficiencies.

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