SMS Marketing And How To Successfully Build Your Strategy. 

SMS Marketing And How To Successfully Build Your Strategy. 
What is SMS Marketing?  SMS Marketing is the practice of using text messages to convert and keep users engaged. As a general rule, text messages are generally 160 characters or less. To use SMS for marketing purposes, you first need prior permission from an individual to send text messages to their phone.   Benefits of SMS Marketing. Many people believe that SMS marketing is not effective or that is too complicated. However, done correctly, it can strengthen relationships. This channel can feel more intimate than any other marketing outlet, and it encourages engagement. Furthermore, here are some statistics from Techjury that allow us to see that text messages can be a great marketing tool:
  • 48% of the world population owns smartphones in 2021.
  • 75% of clients want to receive offers via SMS.
  • SMS has a 98% open rate compared to email marketing.
  • As of 2021, 67 million Americans redeemed coupons via mobile phones.
SMS Marketing is especially appealing for local businesses since consumers are 21% more likely to opt-in to this kind of business, over major national or international chains. Another reason to consider SMS marketing if you´re a local business is that compared to other digital campaigns, SMS campaigns are surprisingly cost effective.   How to Grow Your Opt-In List.  One of the hardest parts of an SMS marketing strategy is turning interactions into opt-ins. One way of doing it is integrating entries at every step of the customer journey.
  • Website touchpoints: It is through your website that you can capture someone´s attention. You can try:
    • Online sign-up pages and forms: Use a landing page dedicated to collecting opt-ins. Don´t forget to communicate the intention of collecting the user´s information.
    • Website banners and pop-ups.
    • Chat: Website chats are a great way of communicating with users, so you can leverage your chat to include an opt-in touchpoint.
  • Hybrid touchpoints: Businesses can operate online or in-store, so consider gathering opt-ins however you conduct your business. A hybrid touchpoint is one that uses both online and offline tools to function.
    • URL & QR code: When setting up an online sign-up form, you will be able to share it via URL or QR. URLs are especially good to share online (i.e: social media or email) and QR codes can be digital and printed (signs, stickers, business cards, packaging).
    • Opt-in stations: This is an online sign-up form displayed on an electronic device where people can opt-in to your list. You can set it up at an event or trade show.
  • Existing channels: Consider asking your existing contacts on all your platforms to opt-in to your SMS list. You can do it on your social media accounts and emails.
Once you´ve determined the channel you will be using to gather your opt-ins, you need to think about what you will offer users if they accept. You can offer direct incentives, such as a discount or offer, or through contests and giveaways.   What Should You Text?  According to Podium (2021), people want to receive messages with incentives, loyalty offers, and updates on inventory, and they´re more likely to engage with interactive messages, so consider using GIFS, images, links, and even emojis. Remember to always address customers by name, identify yourself and your business, use conversational language (like talking to a friend), but include a call to action (what the user should do next. (i.e scheduled an appointment). Now you know how SMS marketing can be a great tool to build relationships, so you can get started on your strategy. Remember that a good strategy is cohesive between channels, so your customers know it´s you, whether it´s on your social media accounts, emails, or in text messages. If you need help with your digital marketing strategy, Miss Ink is here to help. Give us a call at (305) 537-6465 or request a quote today.  

Miss Ink Team
Miss Ink Team

Miss Ink's social media and content team share our top tips for digital marketing.

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