Social Media Beats Print Media in News Viewership

Social Media Beats Print Media in News Viewership
In case you needed another reason to take social media seriously, a recent poll done by the Pew Research Center shows that more people are turning to social media for their news than print media for the first time in history. Proving that companies who put effort into their social media strategy are almost guaranteed to not be missed. The numbers show that one in five adults gets news from social media, whereas only about 16% total get news from print media. This number was equal in 2017. Of course, different age groups have different ways of viewing content, so it’s important that you take into consideration your target demographic when deciding where your company should be focusing marketing dollars. When it comes to consumption of news, TV is still king, with only a slight decline since 2016. Following TV, news websites are the most popular, followed by radio, social media, and print publications. The combined percentage of folks who get their news from either social media or news websites is 43% compared with 49% who watch TV, narrowing the percentage points between online sources and TV. Through the TV medium, the most popular is local news at 37% viewership, cable TV at 30%, and the national evening news at 25%. Nine percent of adults get their news through streaming device, and 73% of that group also gets news on broadcast or cable channels. Demographic Breakdown When you look at these numbers in terms of different age brackets, the percentages lean one way or the other with regards to social media, TV, or print consumption. Those 50 and older watch more TV as a source of news, with the 65+-age bracket consuming TV at 81% of those polled. Whereas the 18-29-year-old bracket only views TV at 16%, and social media far outweighs TV or print as a source of news consumption. Those in the middle in the 30-49 range tend to use news websites most often. What does this mean? As a marketer, you want to make sure your brand and company are front and center for those in your target customer base. With news being one of the primary things that people look for in terms of media consumption, it’s important to understand where those people are getting their news so that you can use advertising dollars wisely. For instance, if you are a brand that is targeting the older generations, it might still be beneficial to consider TV and print as viable marketing channels for your product. However, if you are targeting younger audiences, look at social media and websites when branding your products and services. It appears as though the number of people who actively use social media as a way to consume information will only increase, as print and other mediums have decreased in production and demand. Therefore, it’s vital for companies who are targeting consumers to include a social media strategy in their marketing plans. If you are new to marketing on social media, or you need to revamp your strategy, give us a call at Miss Ink. We’re ready to take your brand to the next level in 2019! References: Geiger, A. (2018, December 10). Social media outpaces print newspapers in the U.S. as a news source. Retrieved from    

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