Marketing Considerations When Working with Micro-Influencers

Marketing Considerations When Working with Micro-Influencers

Consumer habits are frequently changing these days, and digital marketers better pay attention. From new tools and social channels to the idea of influencing consumers through others on social media, there is something new happening almost every day. Younger generations are canceling their cable subscriptions and turning to Instagram for hours of entertainment, meaning that marketers and advertisers should be shifting their efforts from traditional means of marketing to focus on the habits of their consumers. One of the best ways to personally reach this online audience is by using social media influencers.

Nowadays, it’s not even necessary to work with mega influencers like Kim Kardashian or Martha Stewart, but you can get your message across to the people who you want to reach by working directly with those who have a strong influence over a small but highly-engaged community. These “micro-influencers” carry a powerful punch when it comes to brand loyalty in their niche communities, and they might just be the ticket to your brand’s digital marketing success.

Here are some considerations when working with micro-influencers.

Pick Your Influencers Carefully

Working with influencers is becoming a must for any digital marketing plan. However, it’s essential that you decide which influencers align with your company’s values and mission. It would be a waste of money to work with an influencer who does not even have influence over the consumers you are targeting. Each influencer has a unique set of followers who are interested in what he or she stands for or the lifestyle he or she portrays online. When tying your brand to an online personality, consider first if this personality is right for your brand.

Consider Closed Communities  

There is an increasing desire for privacy on the Internet, and that extends to influencers as well. People want to use social media to share interests with others, but only in a way that does not expose them to the whole Internet. Many micro-influencers have even set their Instagram profiles to “private” to keep their communities exclusive and engaged through protected peer-to-peer communication and sharing. Followers tend to trust their favorite influencers and see them as guides for choosing brands that align with their own values, making this a prime opportunity for reaching targeted consumers. (fluticasone)

Niche brands should consider small niche communities as a place to partner with influencers. Think in terms of speaking to your audience’s audience and inspire them to complete your call to action, such as purchase a product, through your influencer. With the right approach, you can create a ripple effect within these tight communities and expand your brand’s reach with loyal consumers.

Work with Influencers through Experiential Marketing

Today’s younger consumers are looking for experiences and authenticity with the brands they attach themselves to in real life and online. Therefore, experiential marketing has become more powerful than ever. Brands are discovering that if they provide a positive and fun experience for their target audience, they are more likely to create a positive attachment to their brand.

One way to do this is by partnering with influencers to design events around your brand. Micro-influencers may have a better grasp of smaller geographic or demographic audiences that brands want to reach than any influencer at a high level. By partnering with a micro-influencer to get the word out about your event and create buzz before, during, and after, you are focusing your brand in the exact place where you can best reach your consumers.

The Paperwork

As with any business agreement, you will need to create a comprehensive contract between your company and any influencer, and follow all FTC regulations when it comes to paid sponsorships. However, the outcomes of working strategically with micro-influencers may be your best approach to winning loyal consumers.

If you are looking for a refreshing new approach to your digital marketing strategy, contact us at Miss Ink. We can help you get your business back on track with our team of experts in digital and content marketing. We look forward to hearing from you!


Koltun, N. (2018, April 24). 5 must-have considerations when working with influencers, according to P&G’s legal counsel. Retrieved from

Hyman, B. (2018, September 11). Micro-Influencers Are the New Gatekeepers of Social Media. Retrieved from




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Miss Ink Team

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