5 Elements of a High Performing Tweet

5 Elements of a High Performing Tweet
Twitter can be a little more difficult to master than some of the other social media channels, but if you can produce quality content on this platform, you have the ability to reach a very wide audience. The great thing about Twitter is that you have the opportunity to reach people outside of your followers if you create a tweet that is catchy enough to be liked and retweeted by others. The possibilities are almost endless with regards to the amount of people you can reach with your brand and content. The caveat to this is that you must create a tweet that grabs the attention of your followers or those who are looking for the type of content you are sharing. It’s important to craft a great tweet that will be spotted in the masses of tweets and conversations happening on a platform that is constantly churning out new information.

5 Ways to Get Your Tweets Seen

  1. Utilize trending topics and current events to engage a wider audience. If your business can be tied into a current event or a trending topic in your area, engage in the conversation about that topic! Don’t be shy about inserting your industry expertise or even opinion (within reason) if there is an ongoing conversation on Twitter. Trending topics and current events are easy topics to piggyback on in order to get your content seen by others who consider these areas of interest and top-of-mind
  1. Use visual aids for your tweets. It can be tricky to decide what type of visual content your audience prefers the most, so this can require some trial and error. Try photos, videos, info-graphics, or other types of visual aids for your tweets, and figure out which one gets the most responses from your target audience. [ctt_hbox link=”5V59K” ]Pay attention to your Twitter stats and analytics to see what type of visual aid performs the best on your Twitter feed.[/ctt_hbox]
  1. Make your tweets engaging by asking questions or offering a statistic about your industry or expertise. People are always looking for valuable information, or an avenue to express themselves. If you can provide one of these elements, you’re already on your way to a more interesting tweet.
  1. [ctt_hbox link=”tnUA_” ]Use hashtags on Twitter sparingly and strategically. [/ctt_hbox]Be careful about overusing hashtags, which may make your tweet confusing or hard to read. Ensure that you are only using hashtags that directly relate to topics that audiences you are trying to engage with are interested in responding to. Don’t hashtag every word, but strategically pick the words that hold the most importance in the overall conversation that you are adding to with your tweet
  1. Don’t forgo your grammar rules completely, and be careful about using abbreviations. If you are tweeting on behalf of your business or brand, it’s important that you maintain a professional presence even on Twitter where you are limited to a certain number of characters. It’s easier to bend the rules of grammar on a personal Twitter account, but your business should always stay within acceptable professional grammar standards.

Also, be careful about using abbreviations that not everyone will understand. It might be helpful to say what you want to say in multiple tweets rather than use abbreviations that may confuse your audience or potential clients. Tweets should be easy to read and interact with by anyone!

If you are a business that is struggling with engaging content on social media, contact us at Miss Ink! With over 10 years of experience in crafting social media and marketing content, we can help you with your online marketing needs.     References: Smarty, A. (2016, January 20). How to Craft the Perfect Tweet. Retrieved October 13, 2017, from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/254155# Five rules for crafting the perfect tweet. (2017, May 11). Retrieved October 13, 2017, from https://yourstory.com/2017/05/crafting-the-perfect-tweet/        

Misty Buck
Misty Buck

Misty Buck founded Miss Ink, LLC, a boutique social media and content marketing firm, in January 2008 in order to help businesses take the stress out of digital marketing. Her passion is fusing creativity and strategy to tell each client’s unique story. She is regularly invited to speak on social media best practices and provides social media consulting for individuals and companies to help guide them through marketing deficiencies.

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